Cognitive Neuropsychology Center (Niguarda Hospital, Milan)
The center, directed by Gabriella Bottini, has been established in agreement with the University of Pavia, and combines clinical activity with experimental research.
The team (neurologists, psychologists / neuropsychologists) offers a multidisciplinary approach to the diagnosis and rehabilitation of cognitive and behavioral functions.
It also carries out a psycho-educational support services for caregivers of patients with cognitive deterioration.
Casa di Cura Villa Esperia
Effects of robotic-assisted gait training on cognitive performance and body schema deficits in patients with brain lesions: a multidisciplinary approach.
The present project in collaboration with the Casa di Cura Villa Esperia aims to investigate the effectiveness of robotic-assisted gait training on cognitive performance and deficits of the body schema in patients with brain lesions. We are also studying the impact of robotic rehabilitation on the more cognitive aspect of motor representation such as motor imagery and motor awareness.
Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri Pavia – Clinica del lavoro e dalla Riabilitazione I.R.C.C.S.
In 2014, we started a collaboration with the Psychology Service of the Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, IRCCS, Scientific Institute of Pavia. The research projects focus on the study of the effectiveness of non-invasive brain stimulation.